10 things in 24 hours

10 things in 24 hours

So here’s ten things I’ve learnt in 24 hours:

1. I don’t know any French

2. I need to learn some French

3. Learning is harder when you’re older

4. Learning is more useful when you’re older because you genuinely want to learn as opposed to remembering things because you’re supposed to

5. La Dolce Vita serve good pizza in Bordeaux and have cool pizza knives


6. I know nothing about wine, also wandering around a wine shop nodding appreciatively at random bottles of which I have no understanding, whilst actually looking at the price sticker to find one that’s not too cheap that I seem like some wine junkie after my next fix regardless and not too expensive because I cant taste the difference between a merlot and a…(insert other kind of red wine here, because that’s literally all I know)

I settled on this one below btw:


7. Paper maps are essential in any foreign country

8. Supermarkets truly are exactly the same wherever you go

I got into the French spirit of things:


9. Learn how to pronounce where you’re living or you’ll end up somewhere that sounds similar to your street but is in no way your street.

10. Writing lists makes things more digestible to read

Coming up:

Found an English pub called the Charles Dickens, may go for their open mic night and quiz evening.

Was invited to a free whiskey tasting evening at the local wine shop on Friday